Seachem Flourish Trace 100ml Trace elements supplement for aquascaped aquariums you can add this more frequently that a broad spectrum supplement No need to worry about the slow use components building up Planted aquariums are a really beautiful addition to any home , the plants are generally easy to care...
Trace elements supplement for aquascaped aquariums
you can add this more frequently that a broad spectrum supplement
No need to worry about the slow use components building up
Planted aquariums are a really beautiful addition to any home , the plants are generally easy to care for and when given the correct care will create dense and stunning layouts .
Just like fish , plants need trace elements to be added which don't exist in the aquarium . Trace elements can be added by using a substrate such as Seachem Flourite or by adding liquid additives . Seachem Flourish trace introduces a broad range of these trace elements which are essential for plant health and growth . Trace elements are depleted through utilization ( i.e being used) , oxidation and precipitation and so it is essential that trace elements are kept topped up . We recommend that Seachem Flourish trace be used with Seachem flourish for the best results.
Seachem Flourish trade is safe to be used with shrimp
signs of Trace Element Deficiencies
Boron: Death of stem and root apical meristem, leaves twisted, young tissue most affected
Cobalt: used for nitrogen fixation, same as nitrogen deficiency signs (stunted growth)
Copper: Young leaves dark green, twisted, wilted, tip remains alive
Manganese: Chlorosis of young leaves, with smallest veins remaining green, necrosis between veins
Molybdenum: Chlorosis, twisting, death of young leaves